We handle a large variety of Sunflower, Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Alfalfa, and Canola seed from our suppliers Croplan Genetics and NK. We also offer a full line of chemicals from Winfield United.
If you are interested in chemicals for your farming operation we can help you out. Crop scouting is free with chemical purchases. Call Alex 701-301-3161.
The Merit Systems Protection Board issued an order Wednesday requiring USDA to bring back nearly 5,700 fired probationary workers. Yet, the board chair who made the ruling and the special counsel who defended USDA employees are both fighting for their own jobs in court.
A federal judge ordered John Deere to provide certain communications it had with trade associations as it relates to the right-to-repair issue, as part of an ongoing discovery process in an antitrust lawsuit filed by farmers.
Join us for the upcoming DTN Ag Summit Series, "Spring Forward: Ag Policy, Weather Trends and Market Insights," on Friday, March 7, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. CST. This free, virtual event is a series of quarterly webinars hosted by DTN Farm Business Editor Katie Dehlinger.
Corn and soybean producers are heading into planting season facing losses. There's a lot of concern about losing export demand right now. Economists for corn and soybean groups stress the need for demand and the importance of using crop insurance to manage risk.
Quote of the Day
"Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk."