We handle a large variety of Sunflower, Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Alfalfa, and Canola seed from our suppliers Croplan Genetics and NK. We also offer a full line of chemicals from Winfield United.
If you are interested in chemicals for your farming operation we can help you out. Crop scouting is free with chemical purchases. Call Alex 701-301-3161.
Average retail prices for six of the eight major fertilizers were up from last month during the first week of February 2025, with the price of two fertilizers -- urea and UAN32 -- up significantly. Prices for the remaining two fertilizers were slightly lower.
Here's what you'll see at the National Farm Machinery Show, Wednesday through Saturday at the Kentucky Exposition Center, along with a couple of others.
A busy week ahead with farm shows, government reports and examining the ongoing executive actions and how they will affect agriculture and commodity markets.